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The LA Regional Food Bank Receives a $300,000 Nourishing Neighbors Grant from Albertsons Companies Foundation’s Breakfasts for Kids Program

The LA Regional Food Bank Receives a $300,000 Nourishing Neighbors Grant from Albertsons Companies Foundation’s Breakfasts for Kids Program

LOS ANGELES, CA— June 21, 2023 — The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank was awarded a $300,000 grant from the Albertsons Companies Foundation’s Nourishing Neighbors Program. This contribution is specifically aimed at supporting child nutrition programs and providing access to nutritious breakfast to children across Los Angeles County.

The Nourishing Neighbors charitable program tackles hunger by supporting the Food Bank and its programs that facilitate meal distribution programs in schools. 

In recent months, both the Food Bank and its Partner Agency Network have witnessed a significant surge in the demand for food assistance due to the inflation of everyday goods and services and food. By fostering partnerships within the community, the Food Bank remains steadfast in its mission to combat hunger.

“Childhood nutrition forms the foundation for a lifetime of health and well-being,” said Food Bank President and CEO, Michael Flood. “Unfortunately, as many as 1 in 4 children may not know where their next meal is coming from. We’re grateful to the Albertsons Companies Foundation’s Nourishing Neighbors initiative for investing in wholesome, balanced meals for children, unlocking the doors to a brighter future filled with limitless possibilities.”

The Food Bank is thankful to the Albertsons Companies Foundation for its commitment to helping communities with the greatest needs. To learn more about the Food Bank’s Children’s Nutrition Programs, please visit this webpage.


Founded in 2001, Albertsons Companies Foundation, formerly Safeway Foundation, supports causes that impact customers’ lives. Albertsons Companies stores provide the opportunity to mobilize funding and create awareness in our neighborhoods through the generous contributions by our customers, our employees’ passion and partnerships with our vendors. We focus on giving locally in the areas of health and human services, hunger relief, education and helping people with disabilities. Albertsons Companies and Albertsons Companies Foundation have invested $1 billion in our neighborhoods since 2001. For more information about Albertsons Companies Foundation, visit www.albertsonscompaniesfoundation.org


The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has been mobilizing resources to fight hunger in Los Angeles County for 50 years. To support the Food Bank’s vision that no one goes hungry in Los Angeles County, food and grocery products are distributed through a network of partner agencies and other Food Bank programs. The Food Bank also energizes the community to get involved and support hunger relief, especially through volunteerism, and conducts nutrition education campaigns and advocates for public policies that benefit people served and improve nutrition security. The Food Bank is rated at the highest level by Candid and Charity Navigator, and 96% of all revenue goes to programs. For more information, visit LAFoodBank.org.

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