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Faces of the Food Bank: Connie

Faces of the Food Bank: Connie

The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

Connie Trimble almost always wears a smile–a smile so big that some can hear it over the phone. She’s been an account representative in the Food Bank’s Product Donation Department since 2013 and says she plans to stay until she retires. “My plate is full,” she says. “I love what I do and the people here are like my family.”

Connie’s job is to communicate with product donors to make sure the Food Bank has what it needs to meet the needs of the 625 agencies that serve our local communities. She comes from an extremely community-oriented family and it’s challenging to get her to talk about her own work. She prefers instead to speak of her family’s accomplishments with pride. Among her family members are civil rights activists, law enforcement officials, civil servants, business professionals, educators, scientists and volunteers. “I come from very good stock, “ she says. “I love people. I come from a home where my mother taught us to love everyone.”


A mother to three daughters, and grandmother to five boys and two girls, Connie says she feels blessed with good friends, family and health. “I am also so grateful for my bosses [Jeanna Kindle and Elizabeth Cervantes],” she said. “They are awesome. We are a big family and we help each other, feed each other and no one thinks their job is more important than anyone else’s. We are all here to be of service.”

Connie is known to make some of the best coffee in the office and loves to talk sports. In her free time, she collects cards and is a big fan of the Rams, Lakers and Dallas football teams among others.


In more than 30 years of community engagement, Connie has been a part of the committee of Ways and Means at her daughters’ school, was a Secretary for the Harbor Gateway Rotary Club and is also a greeter at her church. “I am a people person for sure,” she says.

In addition to being deeply involved in her community, Connie is someone who truly embodies the values of respect, stewardship, diversity and integrity. “At the end of the day, it’s not about us,” she says. “It’s about the community, the church, the school or the family we serve. My goal as a mother, grandmother and as a person is to lead my family by setting an example of treating others the way you want to be treated.”

People like Connie not only lighten the load for coworkers but help ease the huge burden of hunger in Los Angeles. Thank you, Connie, for your steadfast smile and spirit of service.

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