The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
May is CalFresh awareness month! This is a comprehensive effort across Los Angeles County to increase participation in vital food assistance programs, reduce hunger and promote good nutrition.
CalFresh is a food assistance program that helps people to stretch their food dollars so they can by more fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Formerly known as the Food Stamps Program, this is a federal program run through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Eligible individuals can apply for CalFresh benefits through an application process through the Los Angeles County Department of Social Services (LADPSS).
CalFresh is severely underutilized in our community. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank’s CalFresh Outreach Team is here to assist families and individuals with the application process.
CalFresh is intended to help low-income people put healthy food on their tables each month. The program also stimulates state and local economies because it brings federal dollars into our communities everywhere that CalFresh benefits can be redeemed, such as grocery stores or Farmers’ Markets.