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Sixteenth Annual Food From The Bar Los Angeles Campaign Raises $479,095 to Fight Hunger

Sixteenth Annual Food From The Bar Los Angeles Campaign Raises $479,095 to Fight Hunger

LOS ANGELES, CA – (July 9, 2024) – In a united front against food insecurity in Los Angeles County, 55 local law firms raised $479,095 for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. The raised funds will go toward closing the hunger gap during the summer break when many children who rely on school lunch programs may miss meals. Since its inception, this campaign has raised more than $7 million. 

The legal community donated a total of 497 volunteer shifts to help glean, sort and box food at the Food Bank. 

Munger, Tolles & Olson was the Overall Winner and the California Court of Appeal, Second District was the Per Capita Winner of this year’s campaign, illuminating the unity and support of the LA legal community for the Food Bank and their neighbors. 

“Amid high demand for food assistance, it is uplifting to see the Los Angeles legal community unite in support of the Food Bank and our neighbors,” said Kathleen McDowell, a partner at Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP. “Food From The Bar serves as a unifying force, demonstrating the strength of collective action. We are grateful to the Food Bank for giving us this opportunity and their unwavering commitment to serving the Los Angeles County community.”

Sixteen years ago, the Food Bank’s Food From The Bar (FFTB) campaign launched after modeling a successful Bay Area campaign. At the time, 31 law firms and other law-related entities partnered with the Los Angeles County Bar Association and Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles to kick off a friendly competition to raise funds and awareness to bolster the Food Bank. 

“We are deeply grateful to the Los Angeles legal community for their profound dedication to the fight against hunger,” said Michael Flood, President and CEO of the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. “The ongoing partnership with LA’s legal community has significantly enhanced the Food Bank’s efforts. Together, we are making a substantial difference in the lives of individuals and families across Los Angeles County struggling to access nutritious food.”

Food is a fundamental necessity, yet millions of individuals still face inconsistent access, a worsened situation. Initiatives like Food From The Bar, bolstered by community support, empower the Food Bank and its partner agencies to consistently aid hundreds of thousands of children, seniors, families and individuals each month. This collaborative effort underscores the importance of unity and collective action in combating food insecurity.

Please visit the Food From The Bar webpage for a complete list of participating firms, recognition levels, and special awards.

About Food From The Bar:   

Launched in 2009, the Food From The Bar campaign is an annual, six-week effort led by members of the legal community. It is focused on providing nutritious meals for children in Los Angeles County. Legal teams compete to see who can raise the most donations and clock the most volunteer hours. For more information, visit LAFoodBank.org/foodfromthebar.

About the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has been mobilizing resources to fight hunger in Los Angeles County for over 50 years. To support the Food Bank’s vision that no one goes hungry in Los Angeles County, food and grocery products are distributed through a network of partner agencies and other Food Bank programs. The Food Bank also energizes the community to get involved and support hunger relief, primarily through volunteerism and conducts nutrition education campaigns and advocates for public policies that benefit people served and improve nutrition security. The Food Bank is rated at the highest level by Candid and Charity Navigator, and 96% of all revenue goes to programs. For more information, visit LAFoodBank.org.

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